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Hammer Nutrition Xobaline

Hammer Nutrition Xobaline
This item is currently not available.


Highest quality nutrients, next level results

- Helps reduce fatigue
- Assists in tissue restoration
- Supports oxygen utilization

- Energy production and exercise performance is based largely on one factor—oxygen utilization. Without healthy red blood cells, your ability to produce energy drastically declines. Vitamin B12 and folate are crucially important for the formation of red blood cells. Xobaline contains the world’s most absorbable forms of both, balanced in the body’s preferred 1:4 ratio. In addition, these two nutrients play vital roles in protein synthesis, mood and emotional stability, energy production, and hormone regulation.

- Folate (5-MTHF): While standard folic acid must go through a methylation process in order to be absorbed in the body, this form (also known as L-methylfolate) is readily available and highly absorbable. It is the only form that can be processed by the growing number of people (estimated 70% of the US population) with the MTHFR genetic defect, which decreases the conversion of folic acid into the usable MTHF form.
- Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin): The naturally occurring and most bioavailable form of this vitamin.
